Tag Archives: automation

Cleanup IIS Logs AutoMagically

First head over to the Microsoft Script Gallery and grab deleteold.ps1 by Jaap Brasser.

I tend to copy scripts to c:\scripts on systems so I copied deleteold.ps1 there and created two new batch files there as well.

The first was used to launch the powershell script with switches that will delete all files in the IIS Logs directory older than 90 days and append to a log of all actions taken.

IISLogsCleanUp.bat :

The second batch file registers a task that runs this script weekly. Right click this batch and run as administrator and IIS logs will no longer be a thorn in your side.

IISLogCleanUpTaskReg.bat :



As usual, customize as needed! Next on my list is for this repetitive task is creating a powershell remoting script to copy these files to remote servers and execute the task register command.

Old Snapshots – PowerCLI Email Report

Whether your developers are keeping snapshots around for months or your backup program is leaving behind old snapshots due to backup failures, its always good to know about your aging snapshots.

Below is a script which will find all VMs with snapshots older than 7 days. As usual you can customize this to meet your needs, for me I like to keep transcripts and output files for archival and troubleshooting.